Monday, January 19, 2015

this moment :: a January stocklist

Making : cranberry oatmeal cookies
Drinking : a last caffeine tea, going to give it up again
Cooking: a quick dinner after an evening farm visit
Reading: An Irish Country Doctor by Patrick Taylor
Wanting: more time at home
Looking: at an empty field across from me which makes me sad
Playing: with alpacas, a visit to a nearby farm at feeding time
Deciding: what to do next
Enjoying: a mild winter
Waiting: for Spring's green
Liking: myself a lot more
Loving: a three-day weekend
Pondering: faith and it's many forms
Considering: homeschool options for my youngest
Watching: Grantchester, tonight, so enjoyable
Hoping: an answer comes to me
Marvelling: at how quickly time flies and children age
Needing: more time
Smelling: the fur on the neck of my little black cat
Wearing: these shoes around the house which I love
Following: my heart
Noticing: the way the sun silhouettes the stark naked trees in the evening
Knowing: there is something better than this chaos
Thinking: about a change in lifestyle
Admiring: my grandparents and the way they cope with their late 80's
Sorting: clothes, why is there always so much laundry
Buying: a new dishwasher when the tax check comes in
Getting: tired of waiting to make decisions
Bookmarking: old blogs to visit again
Disliking: the way change tightens my chest
Opening: my heart to change
Giggling: at the silly things we do that no one else would understand
Feeling: warm and cozy after a hot shower
Snacking: on homemade chocolate chip cookies
Helping: my daughter make an important decision
Hearing: the sound of rain outside
Wishing: everyone a blessed week

P.S.  Don't forget to enter January's contest if you haven't already!

: :

1 comment:

karen said...

have a good week sweetie :) I love hearing about your grandparents. An empty field would sadden me as well.