Thursday, February 11, 2016

my blog cannot die

I haven’t written anything on my blog in a long time.  I stopped for a time because I said things got hectic but you know it never really slows down and I miss it.  I changed my vision of it, trying to make it a community blog and smart and streamlined and well, that’s not really my purpose either.  It’s always worked best when it was an outlet for my writing about my feelings and my observations of the life around me. 

Right now, I’ve realized I miss the outlet that blogging gave me.  It was my therapy really, my confessional, my place to let go of those things I harbored inside, whether good or bad.  Sometimes, people connected with what I wrote, but then I felt guilty for not making the blog rounds back to support them because as always, time, time, time.  Some days I feel like my words went out to an empty cavern, echoing back to me that no one really cares about what one little person on a little hill thinks.  What makes me so full of myself?  What makes me think I am special?

They say blogging is a dying form.  That Instagram is the way to go now, and no one reads blogs anymore.  It takes too much time when you can scroll through an Instagram feed.  I’ve tried Instagram twice now and I get it, but it doesn’t work for me.  First I have the worst camera phone ever and second I have a hard time typing on that little screen because I have a lot of words.  I’m a writer by nature more than a photographer.  I love both, but it’s the words that flow so easily from me. 

So I’m going to start writing here again, just me and my thoughts, some good, some bad.  You are welcome to join me if you wish, if not I will be glad to have this diary to look back on and see the progress I have made.  If anything it gives me a reason to make a habit of writing and that is what I think I am missing right now.


Debbie said...

I miss my blog too, and I've missed yours. Glad to see you writing here again my friend xx

Laurie said...

I, for one, am glad to see you writing here again. I don't do Instagram, so I wouldn't know. I won't always comment, but I'll be here, and am looking forward to reading your posts.

beth said...

So happy to see you here again. I've missed you and your writing. Welcome back, friend.

karen said...

I still read blogs :) I know that visiting who visits you is a big time commitment. I try my best to do that but I have the time to do so. I don't think I could do it if I worked full time.

Glad you are writing and I'm glad it is a source for FREE therapy and there are people who will read your words.

Bev said...

I tried twice without success to comment yesterday, can't imagine how they disappeared. You know that I have always looked forward to your posts and am a huge fan of your writing. I always want to comment so that you know I'm here but often feel like it's shallow or repetitive. So, I wanted to ask if you've considered adding a "Like" button; I've seen them on a couple of other blogs I still follow. Since my own blog has been dormant for more than two years, I have no idea if that is available on Blogspot blogs. The bottom line...I'm happy that you are planning to write in this space again when you can!